Friday, September 4, 2009

The Arsenal of Freedom (AoF) Intro: What is the AoF and Why do I Need it?

    What is the Arsenal of Freedom (AoF)? The AoF is a collection of tools and knowledge required by those who wish to uphold and defend the people and ideals held dear by the citizens of a free society. The tools that make up the AoF are firearms, clothing, survival equipment, and fortifications necessary for the average non-military man or woman to assist in defending the enemies of Freedom. The knowledge of the AoF is the safe and adequate handling and employment of the tools to effectively defend the ways and ideals of a free society.

    Why is the AoF needed? Having a sound knowledge of the working of many different things is never a bad idea. Those who are prepared for the worst are better off in times of crisis than those who are only concerned with movie stars and other inane television programs. Should the worst case scenario ever bear fruit those with knowledge will have the power; not necessarily power over the weak, but power to protect and defend the week and oppose those who seek to do harm.

    As more and more serfs clamor for more government control and handouts responsibility for one self is becoming less evident among the majority of populace. Currently the welfare seekers outnumber the producers. Eventually the scale will tip with either the producer having enough or the welfare seekers demanding too much.

    As with any locality and especially large cities natural disasters cause a great deal of harm. When these disasters occur evil doers seek to ravage the weaker people and the evil goals are easily accomplished because those responsible have moved to safer ground. During times of strife those who wish to defend their lives and property are able to do so effectively.

    As the politician's mishandling of America worsens, the American economy worsens, and as other countries rise in power comparable to the US our leaders will seek to resolve these problems by restricting our freedoms in the name of security, recovery, and foreign relations. Internal and external political pressures will entice our leaders to join a global community that seeks to curtail civil liberties. If and when forces arrive to enforce draconian and restrictive laws those of us armed with the arsenal of freedom will be prepared.

    The AoF will instruct people on the tools and knowledge to take responsibility for themselves when any of the situations mentioned above comes about or in just basic day to day life.


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